Book Titles

A Whole New Mind
Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age

By Daniel Pink

Year Published: 2005
ISBN-13: 978-1573223089
Categories: Brains, Creativity, Thinking

48 Quotes Found

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A Whole New Mind:

The future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind – creators and empathizers, pattern recognizers, and meaning makers.


A Whole New Mind:

In an age of abundance, appealing only to rational, logical, and functional needs is woefully insufficient.


A Whole New Mind:

Mastery of design, empathy, play, and other seemingly ‘soft’ aptitudes is now the main way for individuals and firms to stand out in a crowded marketplace.


A Whole New Mind:

When it comes to… endeavors that depend heavily on rule-based logic, calculation, and sequential thinking – comptuers are simply better, faster, and stronger.


A Whole New Mind:

…high tech is no longer enough. We’ll need to supplement our well-developed high-tech abilities with abilities that are high concept and high touch.


A Whole New Mind:

High-concept and high-touch aptitudes are moving from the periphery of our lives to the center.


A Whole New Mind:

…as individuals age, they place greater emphasis in their own lives on qualities they might have neglected in the rush to build careers and raise families: purpose, intrinsic motivation, and meaning.


A Whole New Mind:

We must perform work that overseas knowledge workers can’t do cheaper, that computers can’t do faster, and that satisfies the aesthetic, emotional, and spiritual demands of a prosperous time.


A Whole New Mind:

Today it’s economically crucial and personally rewarding to create something that is also beautiful, whimsical, or emotionally engaging.


A Whole New Mind:

The essence of persuasion, communication, and self-understanding has become the ability also to fashion a compelling narrative.