The Rock Crusher:
The team delivers the best value when it has a steady flow of the right work…
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The Rock Crusher:
Crushers in the backlog are visual representations of the important analysis work required to properly refine a rock.
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The Rock Crusher:
The crusher creates economic value by reducing the risk of building the wrong thing and aligning the team on the ultimate solution.
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The Rock Crusher:
…’hangovers’… work that was pulled and committed in a specific iteration is rolling over into the next and even subsequent iterations.
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The Rock Crusher:
Hangovers indicate that either work items are too large or too much work is being forced through the thin pipe, exceeding the team’s capacity.
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The Rock Crusher:
The product owner role, or any similar role such as the XP customer representative, is arguably the critical success factor for an agile team.
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The Rock Crusher:
Many of the challenges agile teams encounter can be traced back to an unavailable, disengaged, or indecisive product owner.
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The Rock Crusher:
The backlog owner is accountable for managing and maximizing the value delivered by the team. The solution owner is accountable for managing and maximizing the value created by the solution.
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The Rock Crusher:
Agile teams have one simple rule when it comes to roles: you do whatever it takes to help your team get the job done.
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The Rock Crusher:
Whether this rock is well formed or not depends on the team’s tacit knowledge.
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