Interpersonal disconnection and social isolation lead to or exacerbate depression, drug and alcohol abuse, anxiety, poor tolerance of frustration, and a tendency toward violent behavior.
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…it is an accepted fact that social isolation ranks up there with cigarette smoking, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure as risk factors for an early demise.
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There are people trying (and failing) to crate the illusion of genuine connection. It is not the illusion that we need. We need the real thing.
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The real thing – genuine, human connection – is still available, but it’s best to book it into your schedule. What isn’t booked often doesn’t happen.
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In the rush of today’s world you need a plan to make sure you stay genuinely connected with a human you know and like.
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The forgotten key to taking advantage of the best in modern life is not intellectual but emotional. It is not that intellect doesn’t matter… But emotion is the on/off switch for advanced thinking.
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At the heart of making the most of life today is the ability to treasure and protect your connections to what you care most about: people, places, activities, pets… But you must not have too many connections or none will flourish.
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Pick the [connections] that matter most to you and nourish them religiously; make that your top priority in life, and you can’t go wrong.
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…unless you consciously and deliberately preserve time to connect with what matters most to you, your connection with whatever it is will erode.
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…only by selecting with care to what and to whom you want to give your precious time, attention, and energy will you be able to maintain a positive emotional state and do your best.
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