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Making decisions based on a sense that the adversary seeks your friendship is misguided. They would much prefer your effectiveness.


Setting the mission and purpose in the constituents’ or the customer’s or the adversary’s world allows all of them to see clearly the features and benefits that you and your product or service have to offer them.


Don’t ever forget this. As a negotiator, you don’t go anywhere without your adversary, by definition.


Never frame a question that appears to your adversary as an attempt to trick.


Who has control in a conversation, the guy listening or the guy talking? The listener, of course. If you want to maintain maximum control and leverage – and you do, of course – let your adversary do the talking.


People don’t like silence. It’s the void that our nature abhors. Your adversary will rush to fill in the blank.


By its very nature, if we stop to think about the process, note taking removes us from our world and keeps us in our adversary’s world. The simple act of picking up the pen or pencil moves us in that direction.


Present only the information that addresses your adversary’s concern, the information that addresses the adversary’s pain – or what you know about it…


If your high-tech presentation isn’t addressed to your adversary’s vision and pain, you’re wasting your gigabytes.


As stereotypes stick and prejudice deepens, we don’t just identify with our own group; we disidentify with our adversaries, coming to define who we are by what we’re not.