
Status Quo


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…top-performing team members are those who possess the confidence to challenge the status quo, think strategically, and speak up to put the organization’s success at the front of every decision.


Inspirational leaders, by their nature, challenge the status quo and are not afraid of change.


The most difficult barriers that startups face are inertia and a reliance on the status quo.


As opposed to being a way to make work suck less, flexible work arrangements actually reinforce the status quo. In fact, flextime can make life suck more.


…part of the power of the status quo is that it doesn’t have to do anything to reinforce its attitudes.


…the status quo makes us masters of the white lie. But there is something deeper going on here, something that gets back to the idea that your job owns your time.


In [the doomsayers’] minds, even if work sucks, they think that at least the status quo affords some measure of stability and control. Without that control a business descends into anarchy.


The paradox of course is that almost everything new, everything impressive, everything right, was done over the loud objections of the status quo.


…even if you put things off – you still have made a choice. You are voting for the status quo. You are voting to let them decide. You are voting to give up your own agency.


We need the energy to break the bonds of the status quo.