
Status Quo


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…our brain is a finely tuned machine dedicated to protecting the status quo, and trying a new way of thinking or behaving can send alarm bells ringing…


As managers, we’re responsible not just for the status quo, but for improving the performance of the whole team.


Great leaders understand… that historical success tends to… reinforce a feeling of contentment with the status quo.


…even people who are most solidly content with the status quo will begin to act differently if a fire starts on the floor beneath their feet.


Those who feel content with the status quo – feel being the key word, and not what they necessarily say – put themselves in a more and more dangerous position.


In any contest between change and the status quo, the status quo has home field advantage. All things being equal, we won’t change.


…it’s the odd out-of-left-field dissenting voices, the ones challenging groupthink and the status quo, that make an organization hum and thrive.


Societies have a strong status quo bias, particularly if they have high status relative to other parts of the world.


…research shows that givers get extra credit when they offer ideas that challenge the status quo.


…the status quo is the path you’re already on or the way you’ve always done things. The bias is that we have a preference to stick with those decisions, methods, and paths that we’ve already set upon, and a resistance to veering from them into something new or different.