Whenever you put yourself in circumstances that really suit who you are… your brain releases dopamine: the neurochemical that’s… so important to attention, cognition, the ability to anticipate pleasure and reward, and much else.
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A child’s ability to control his position and the attention of others is critical, much more important than control is for the average adult on an average day.
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Playing the long game is a test of your fortitude, your ability to persevere, and just how genuine your interests are.
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You can be someone’s manager, but if that person does not trust or respect you, you will have limited ability to influence him.
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One of the biggest mistakes new bosses make is thinking they need to jump in and exert their opinions right away to show that they are capable.
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As a manager, one of the smartest ways to multiply your team’s impact is to hire the best people and empower them to do more and more until you stretch the limits of their capabilities.
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Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.
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Connecting is having the ability to identify with and relate to people in such a way that it increases your influence with them.
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You cannot overinvest in people. Every time you increase the ability of a person in the organization, you increase the ability to fulfill the vision.
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Every time you develop people and help them become leaders, you not only gain their ability and put their horsepower to use in the organization, but you also engage the abilities of everyone they lead.
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