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It’s actually all the ordinary decisions – the safe one, recommended by every expert, criticized by no one – that make us incredibly vulnerable in times of chaos and crisis.


The opposite of fear is love. Love for one another. Love for ideas. Love for your country. Love for the vulnerable and the weak. Love for the next generation. Love for all.


Vulnerability lets people know you are human and you are connected with them.


…a truly strong person is someone that recognizes vulnerability is not a sign of weakness but is actually a sign of leadership.


If there isn’t at least the possibility for choice, even for a potential betrayal, there can be no trust. To trust is to be vulnerable… – Trudy Govier


Anger takes us out of the fearful, vulnerable position and puts us back into attack mode, which restores our feeling of control, as well as reducing our feelings of vulnerability.


More often than not, risk precedes success – the boldness of saying what you want, the vulnerability of asking for what you need to get there, and the audacity to push in when you have a chance.


It takes repeated good experiences to build up to a level of trust where you can be vulnerable and compassionately critical with each other.