Business in the internetworked world moves faster each year, and the conditions of the marketplace reward organizations and teams most able to adapt to changing circumstances.
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Organizations that aren’t agile and that don’t have the capacity to adapt quickly will be overcome by their competitors – or put out of business.
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Over time, we learn life lessons we don’t forget, and we adapt in response to the growing demands of our circumstances. Eventually, new ways of thinking and acting become habitual.
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Two skills are particularly important across sectors and industries at all levels: adaptability and emotional intelligence.
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…the most critical characteristic that leaders should look for in selecting people is potential, ‘the ability to adapt to and grow into increasingly complex roles and environments.’
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…if you begin with ‘who,’ rather than the ‘what,’ you can more easily adapt to a changing world.
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It is the person best able to unearth, adapt to, and exploit the unknowns that will come out on top.
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…nothing in human endeavor is ever steady-state – only death is. External conditions change, and there are never-ending internal changes that require vigilance and constant adaptation.
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What differentiates the success stories from the failures is… the ability to… discover which parts of their plans were working and which were misguided… and adapt their strategies accordingly.
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The Lean Startup works only if we are able to build an organization as adaptable and fast as the challenges it faces.
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