Politics also present a constant threat – the fear that others are trying to keep us down so that they may advance their own careers.
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Working exclusively to advance ourselves may hurt the group, while working exclusively to advance the group may come at a cost to us as individuals.
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The more personal [a Just Cause] is for people, the more likely our passions will be stoked to help advance it.
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In both the place we choose to live and the place we choose to make a living, we should feel like we are working to advance something bigger than ourselves.
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Many start-ups are fueled more by an entrepreneur’s passion for a vision than by resources they have to advance it.
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Even when you’re being cautious, it must come with the assumption of constant advance, an insistent move toward victory always.
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No matter your circumstances, you have the power to advance in your life.
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You have to do the best you can at the job you’re in; otherwise you won’t have the opportunities for advancement.
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A growing field will have more jobs, more opportunities, and more chances for you to advance.
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…no matter how ambitious you are, you’ll advance in your career more quickly if you focus on the job you have and gain a reputation for good work.
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