Any ‘work’ that is not advancing you toward the professional life you want should not count as work. It is wasted time.
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There is no such thing as a false start if you are seriously committed to advancement.
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In the most dysfunctional organizations, signaling that work is being done becomes a better strategy for career advancement than actually doing work…
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Once a habit has been established… it’s important to continue to advance in small ways. The little improvements and new challenges keep you engaged.
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Impressed with the merits of their own case, people usually pay too little attention to ways of advancing their case by taking care of interests on the other side.
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When each party is advancing a different standard, look for an objective basis for deciding between them…
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The farther people advance in life, the less guidance anyone else can provide about what to do next.
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In our modern world, advancing our careers and trying to find happiness and fulfillment are the definition of success.
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A leader’s legacy is only as strong as the foundation they leave behind that allows others to advance the organization in their name.
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As leaders, it is our sole responsibility to protect our people and, in turn, our people will protect each other and advance the organization together.
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