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…if we can control the environment in which rapid cognition takes place, then we can control rapid cognition.


…studies show that when we’re in an optimistic state of mind, we pay more attention, think more clearly, and learn faster. Hope primes our minds for real success.


Teasing each other, recent scientific research has shown, is one of the fastest and most effective ways to intensify our positive feelings for each other.


You can’t tell what that blip represents at first but you keep watching radar scan after radar scan, looking to see if the object is approaching, what its speed is and what shape it takes as it comes closer.


…you can only outrun [your competition] if you commit yourself to a particular direction and go as fast as you can.


The speed of change is unprecedented in the history of our existence on this planet. Therefore, leaders must modify their leadership to attract the best talent available to ensure their people are inspired every day to go the extra mile.


While you build your new business you will still be busy with a job that pays the bills. But this is not an excuse to go slow or to put it off.


Focusing on your strengths will get you much further, much faster than worrying about your weaker areas.


From all this busyness, another of the many paradoxes of modern life emerges: The faster we go, the more we take on, and the more we take on, the more there is for us to do.


Speed grips attention. Speed excites. Speed speeds you out of boredom. Nothing is boring if it’s fast enough.