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Making time for leisure to refresh your soul is critical for living a good life.


…for those who do not make time for play – in either attitude or activity – is often joylessness, rigidity, addiction, workaholism, diminished curiosity, and… depression.


…how people spend their money may be at least as important as how much they earn.


…to identify the factors that distinguish teams with high performance and well-being, the most important differentiator isn’t who is on the team or even how meaningful their work is. What matters most is psychological safety.


A sense of belonging helps individuals cohere. And synchronization both requires and heightens well-being.


When we experience awe, time slows down. It expands. We feel like we have more of it. And that sensation lifts our well-being.


…the road to happiness is not in sticking blindly to the thing that we’re doing… We need to see what’s going on around us so we can do whatever will maximize our happiness and our time and our well-being.


…expected value is not just about money. It can be measured in health, well-being, happiness, time, self-fulfillment, satisfaction in relationships, or anything else that affects you.


…by allowing someone else to tease us, we confirm our willingness to be in a vulnerable position. We are actively demonstrating our trust in the other person’s regard for our emotional well-being.


Business people are not just managers; they are also human. They have emotions, and a lot of the emotions are tied up in the identity and well-being of their business.