To [ancient Greek philosophers], living a life of leisure was the highest aim of a human being.
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True leisure, the Greeks believed, free from the drudgery of work, not only refreshed the soul but also opened it up.
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…people in the modern world are so caught up in the busyness they have lost the ability even to imagine what leisure is. – Ben Hunnicutt
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Mothers, even those working outside the home for pay, still do twice the housework and twice the child care of fathers.
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What often matters more than the activity we’re doing at a moment in time… is how we feel about it. Our perception of time is, indeed, our reality.
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When women began working in a man’s world, their lives changed completely.
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…until attitudes [about working women], however unconscious, catch up with the way we really live our lives, the overwhelm will swirl on.
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Time studies find that a mother, especially one who works outside the home for pay, is among the most time-poor humans on the planet, especially single mothers…
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[Americans] work among the longest hours and the most ‘extreme’ hours of any industrialized country in the world.
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…living in an always-on technological haze leads to mental exhaustion.
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