Book Titles

Think and Grow Rich for Women
Using Your Power to Create Success and Significance

By Sharon Lechter

Year Published: 2014
ISBN-13: 978-0399170829
Categories: Power, Thinking, Wealth

43 Quotes Found

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Think and Grow Rich for Women:

When you combine a definite goal with a burning desire to achieve that goal, it will provide you with the necessary fuel (motivation, drive, stamina) to create and execute a plan that will allow you to realize that goal successfully.


Think and Grow Rich for Women:

…the number one reason women leave their jobs is that they feel their work is undervalued and their strengths are overlooked.


Think and Grow Rich for Women:

If you believe your idea 100 percent, don’t let anyone stop you! – Sara Blakely


Think and Grow Rich for Women:

Negativity and lack of faith beget more negativity. On the other hand, optimism, positivity, and faith create the foundation from which success can be built.


Think and Grow Rich for Women:

It is almost impossible to be depressed and self-confident at the same time. Depression is destructive, while self-confidence and faith are constructive.


Think and Grow Rich for Women:

We each have the ability to consciously change our circumstances by intentionally concentrating on positive actions and thoughts, which in turn influences our subconscious mind to follow suit.


Think and Grow Rich for Women:

Most people don’t get what they want because they haven’t created any space inside of themselves for those things to occur in their lives.


Think and Grow Rich for Women:

It is usually our own limited expectation that prevents us from reaching more glorious levels of success in every area of life.


Think and Grow Rich for Women:

The laws of giving and receiving are crucial to its flow of abundance and wealth. It can never be a one-way street or your desire for wealth and success will go nowhere.


Think and Grow Rich for Women:

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. – Napoleon Hill