Book Titles

Fail Fast, Fail Often
How Losing Can Help You Win

By John Krumboltz, Ryan Babineaux

Year Published: 2013
ISBN-13: 978-0399166259
Categories: Failure, Losing, Winning

51 Quotes Found

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Fail Fast, Fail Often:

When you focus on the shortcomings in your life, drag your feet, and belabor your bad habits and neuroses, you see nothing but your own misery.


Fail Fast, Fail Often:

No matter how trapped you may feel your current life, there are positive actions you can take and new experiences to be had.


Fail Fast, Fail Often:

…sticking with your current way of doing things is the way to ensure that things stay exactly as they are. It is quite simple: If you want your life to change, you have to take different actions.


Fail Fast, Fail Often:

There is a growing body of research that shows how a sense of enjoyment makes people more productive, sociable, and innovative.


Fail Fast, Fail Often:

…research shows that people who feel good are more adaptive in their thinking and better able to process complex information.


Fail Fast, Fail Often:

There is no better reason for being depressed than never having the chance to pursue work and projects that are meaningful to you.


Fail Fast, Fail Often:

…successful people take action as quickly as possible, even though they may perform badly.


Fail Fast, Fail Often:

…the truth is that most significant accomplishments arise out of hundreds of mistakes and failures.


Fail Fast, Fail Often:

You can’t know what something is like, how you will feel about it, or what will result from it until you actually are doing it.


Fail Fast, Fail Often:

…living to avoid failure is a real killer – it destroys opportunities for new experiences and growth.