Dare to Forgive:
Millions of dead people have shown us their preference to die rather than forgive.
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Dare to Forgive:
Medically speaking, it’s really good for you to forgive. It’s much, much better than holding a grudge or seeking revenge.
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Dare to Forgive:
Learning to forgive ranks near the top of the practical steps you can take to improve your life, your physical health and your emotional health.
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Dare to Forgive:
Most of us don’t like to forgive. It’s not fun, and it’s difficult. When the stakes are high, forgiving can seem as difficult as performing surgery on yourself, and equally painful.
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Dare to Forgive:
…we all think our own anger is special. The longer you nurse it, the longer you keep it in your heart, the more parasitic it becomes.
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Dare to Forgive:
Forgiveness must build a bridge over pain, often tremendous pain. Forgiveness starts in hurt, in anger, in disbelief, in confusion. It starts in hatred.
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Dare to Forgive:
As sweet as revenge may seen when you have been hurt, a sweeter, smarter choice is forgiveness.
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Dare to Forgive:
People are, by and large, selfish and weak. The rare few you can depend upon are, well, rare and few.
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Dare to Forgive:
A lengthy journey to forgiveness is far better for a person than a lengthy journey to revenge. It is not just the end point that matters, but the process you undergo to get there.
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Dare to Forgive:
Ironically, when we forgive, the slave we free is ourselves. We free ourselves from being slaves to our own hatred.
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