Book Titles

The Art of Profitability

By Adrian Slywotzky

Year Published: 2002
ISBN-13: 978-0446531504
Categories: Markets, Profit, Profitability

11 Quotes Found

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The Art of Profitability:

To succeed in business, you have to have a genuine, honest-to-goodness interest in profitability. And most people don’t.


The Art of Profitability:

What separates the winners and losers in innovation is who masters the drudgery.


The Art of Profitability:

Reality is much more complicated and promising than our limited imaginations often let us recognize.


The Art of Profitability:

The hardest thing in business is to keep the entrepreneurial spirit alive and flourishing in the wake of continued success.


The Art of Profitability:

If you invent something – a solution to a problem – and you are well known as a specialist, you can sell that same solution over and over…


The Art of Profitability:

…most of the cost is in the development of the solution, the idea. If you can replicate it and price to market, the operating cost can be quite low.


The Art of Profitability:

There are four levels to learning: Awareness. Awkwardness. Application. Assimilation.


The Art of Profitability:

The combination of curiosity and lead time can convert any chore into a delightful, exploratory puzzle.


The Art of Profitability:

Puzzles solved have far more penetration and staying power than chores completed.


The Art of Profitability:

There are places in the value chain, that are ten times more valuable than others in terms of profit, power, and control.