The way we live is eroding our capacity for deep, sustained, perceptive attention – the building blocks of intimacy, wisdom, and cultural progress.
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…we are ultimately trading our cultural and societal anchors for an age of glorious freedom, technological innovation – and darkness.
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As our attentional skills are squandered, we are plunging into a culture of mistrust, skimming, and a dehumanizing merging between man and machine.
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…nothing is more central to creating a flourishing society built upon learning, contentment, caring, morality, reflection, and spirit than attention.
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As humans, we are formed to pay attention. Without it, we simply would not survive.
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Without a symphonic conductor, the music of the brain disintegrates into cacophonic noise.
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…without strong skills of attention, we are buffeted by the world and hindered in our capacity to grow and even to enjoy life.
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People who focus well report feeling less fear, frustration, and sadness day to day, partly because they can literally deploy their attention away from negatives in life.
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A culture that settles for numb distraction cannot shape its future.
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Today, our virtual, split-screen, and nomadic era is eroding opportunities for deep focus, awareness, and reflection. As a result, we face a real risk of societal decline.
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