
Artificial Intelligence


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…the rise of intelligent machines will benefit a lot of us greatly, but there can be little doubt that they will also put a few percent of us out of work for some time to come.


Intelligent machines aren’t going to take over the entire economy all at once, but they will slowly revolutionize our economy.


As the economic sector utilizes the new intelligent technologies, the notion of an effective man-machine team will radically change and become extremely diverse.


The case for keeping it simple is plain: Just do what the machine tells you to.


…it is easy to imagine intelligent machines changing the way we interact with one another and making significant parts of our world a lot more unpredictable and a lot more passionate.


…don’t expect all the frustrations to go away all at once or to go away anytime soon… the advances of genius machines come in an uneven and staggered fashion.


The most skilled man-machine teams will ear a lot, but there will be an issue of societal trust, precisely because their mastery of external environment may outstrip our ability to judge them.


Most AI applications still require human support, and those applications… will not come close to displacing all human jobs.


…intelligent machines will replace some laborers and augment the value of others in a slow and halting manner.


Whether we will remain a middle class society or not depends firstly on how many people will prove to be effective working with intelligent machines.