Whether you presently believe it or not, your life is already abundant. You simply haven’t noticed it.
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There is so much you are not seeing that is already there. There is no need to feel scarcity, when there is such abundance.
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…a product can decrease in perceived value if it starts off as scare and become abundant.
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The problem now is that we have produced an abundance of nearly everything we need or want. And we don’t do well with abundance.
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Abundance can be destructive not because it abstracts the value of things. The more we have, the less we seem to value what we’ve got.
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Be persistent. A Badass Business Analyst’s cup runneth over with abundance mentality.
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In an age of abundance, appealing only to rational, logical, and functional needs is woefully insufficient.
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In a world enriched by abundance but disrupted by the automation and outsourcing of white-collar work, everyone, regardless of profession, must cultivate an artistic sensibility… today we must all be designers.
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…in a time of abundance, when the largest rewards go to those who can devise novel and compelling creations, metaphor-making is vital.
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On the whole, resources are likely to come to you in greater abundance when you are generous and inclusive and engage people in your passion for life.
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