And as everybody knows, word of mouth is the best advertising. People trust the referrals of people who know them.
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…advertising matters because it works. It works on nerds, and it works on you.
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…advertising doesn’t exist to make you buy a product right away; it exists to embed subtle impressions that will drive sales later.
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The important thing for the advertiser is to establish the connection; it doesn’t have to be a logical one, just a positive one.
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There are several common business models, including e-commerce, subscription, and advertising.
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…there is no such thing as digital marketing or digital advertising: there is just good marketing and good advertising.
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…harnessing purpose in advertising can drive a brand into the heart of culture.
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…digital technology and creative advertising together don’t make a diverse marriage: the opposite.
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It is content we will produce in the future, not advertising, direct-mail pieces, or whatever.
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[Advertising] is a business where success is directly related to the extent to which one’s share of the best creative talent is disproportionately large…
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