
Social Media


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…in the scheme of your life and what you want to accomplish, [social media is] a lightweight whimsy, one unimportant distraction among many…


Without structure, it’s easy to allow your time to devolve into the shallow – e-mail, social media, Web surfing.


“…the growth of teamwork, service jobs, and social media has opened up new opportunities for givers to develop relationships and reputations that accelerate and amplify their success.”


…where complicated issues are concerned, seeing the opinions of the other side is not enough. Social media platforms have exposed us to them, but they haven’t changed our minds.


…no matter how great social media is, it is not as effective for building strong bonds of trust as real human contact is.


Given how relatively new social media is, the long-term impact of all this dehumanizing is still yet to be fully realized.


Studies have shown that people who spend excessive time on social media experience higher rates of depression and anxiety.


The solution is the single enterprise point of view which integrates company-owned data sets with consumer insight mined from platforms like Facebook… Google, and their ilk.


…building and nurturing a mailing list is so critical…This doesn’t mean you should abandon all social media efforts, it just means that email marketing is still an incredibly powerful tool for your side hustle.


Today brands are built on what people are saying about them on social media – not on what companies are saying about themselves.