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…people… go out of their way to be visible. They conduct themselves so as to let as many others as possible hear their words and see their actions.


Not all wins are equal. In general, the more visible victories are, the more they help the change process.


When goals are public and visible to all, a ‘team of teams’ can attack trouble spots when they surface.


Whenever one takes a stand visible to others, there arises a drive to maintain that stand in order to look like a consistent person.


A large part of the effective and relentless role modeling of urgency is to make visible and celebrate any seized opportunities – even if they are small wins…


With visibility into the entirety of the customer journey, big data enthusiasts claim to be changing dramatically the lives of consumers. All that first part (or personal) data is going to lead us to a more customized, customer-centric world.


The creation and maintenance of a team requires both the visible hand of management and the invisible hand of emergence, the former weaving the elements together and the latter guiding their work.


Crushers in the backlog are visual representations of the important analysis work required to properly refine a rock.


Progress is not only reflected in the peaks you reach – it’s also visible in the valleys you cross. Resilience is a form of growth.