Help create an environment in which everyone’s contributions are recognized and every person is acknowledged. Give credit generously.
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… acknowledgment and encouragement from others will help calm our mind, and allow us to focus on what we are trying to achieve.
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If we want to transform people’s performance we need to master the skill of acknowledgment.
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Radical acceptance acknowledges that pain is an unavoidable part of life and that fighting back against this suffering typically leads to more suffering.
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…acknowledge the pattern that everyone already sees, and be clear that you’re trying hard to change.
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Acknowledgment of pain is very important; denial is deadly.
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When we don’t acknowledge our pain, it will be transferred into a bodily system, anger, or something equally destructive.
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…it’s important to acknowledge that getting product teams and companies to apply the new techniques and work differently is often easier said than done.
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Getting things done, and feeling good about it, means being willing to recognize, acknowledge, and appropriately engage with all the things within the ecosystem of your consciousness.
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Labeling is a way of validating someone’s emotion by acknowledging it.
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